Events December 2014
Dec 6, 2014 - 'Oplatek' in Combatants Club under patronage of SPK and Consulate General RP in Vancouver.
In a very warm atmosphere, with traditional 'Oplatek Ceremony' Polonia is celebrating Christmas. Beautifully organized by SPK , Consulate RP with help of many dedicated volunteers. Thank you for your initiative to make this Polonia Christmas Celebration a great one. We are including the short film and pictures from this event.
Film Jerzy Kusmider, pictures I. Swiatczak.
Dec 6, 2014 - Christmas Carols in Kopernic Lodge. Thanks to the Choir 'Polish Tunes' and everyone who was participating.
Very pleasant event in Kpernic Lodge. Bravo to the choir 'Polish Tunes' for the concert. Residents had an opportunity not only to listen to the songs but also actively participate in singing. Words to all songs were provided to everyone and made it easy and fun to sing together. What an impressing way to give back to the Polish Canadian Community and senior citizens.
Pictures Jadwiga and Andrew Dobrowolski.
Dec 20, 2014 - traditional Christmas 'Oplatek' for Vancouver Polish Theatre members, volnuteers and invited guests.
Many gathered to sing Christmas Carols and share 'Oplatek' and amazing food with Vancouver Theatre members and volunteers. It was a great year for our theatre. Polonia enjoyed many very successful events presented by the dedicated group. Theatre organized several performances for the Childrens Hospital in Vancouver. Great year and we really appreciate all the hard work of all actors, technical support and volunteers. Some of very talented and really contributing members and guest stars were not able to attend the celebration, but their contrubutions were very much acknowledged and pictures displayed to make sure that we can be grateful for their input that shapes the Vancovuer Polish Theatre.
Zalaczamy swiateczne podsumowanie roku 2014 ktore przygotowal i przedstawil na oplatku Prezydent Teatru Polskiego w Vancouver ( Vancouver Polish Theatre ) Mr. Ryszard Kopplinger.
Please click at the following link.
Teatr Polski w Vancovuer - Nasze osiagniecia w roku 2014.
Pictures J. Dobrowolski, R. Slawski, I. Swiatczak
Dec 26, 2014 'Boxing Day' - for over 20 years Polish Canadians meet in Vancouver's mountains on the second day of Christmas to sing Christmas Carols. This year we met on Cypress Mountain.
Please see the short film by Mr. Jerzy Kusmider.
Przedstawiamy krotki film wykonany przez Jerzego Kusmidra.
Polacy z Vancouver juz od ponad 20 lat tradycyjnie spotykają się w górach na świątecznym spotkaniu w drugi dzień Świąt Bożego Narodzenia. W Kanadzie dzień ten nazywany jest "Boxing Day", to znaczy dzień poświątecznych wyprzedaży sklepowych. Niestety w tym roku zabrakło śniegu w górach i dla odmiany piknik odbył się na zielonej trawie. Spotkania te odbywają się w różnych miejscach, najczęściej na górze Seymour albo Cypress. Koordynatorami tych pikników na śniegu jest Elżbieta i Jerzy Kuśmider. Każdy przywozi jedzenie do wspólnego podzielenia się: świąteczne smakołyki, ciasta i napoje według uznania.
Zamiast biegać po sklepach przyjemnie było śpiewać kolędy na świeżym powietrzu w górach.
Tym ktorzy przybyli na nasze tradycyjne spotkanie bardzo dziekuje za obecnosc. Ci co mogli być a nie dotarli moga tylko zalowac milo spedzonego czasu. Zapraszam do obejrzenia filmu z tego spotkania.
J. Kusmider.
The over 20 years old tradition of meeting in the mountains in the Boxing Day continues, there was no snow this year, but no rain either ... next year we are counting on more participants.
Pictures by Richard Slawski